Subaru takes the Tome of Wisdom from Beatrice only to find it blank. She then reveals that she is under a contract to wait for "that person" who will grant her death wish and the two get into an argument until they are interrupted by Elsa's arrival. Subaru takes Beatrice and flees but is intercepted by the Mawbeast tamer, Meili, who has already killed the others. Beatrice fights and seemingly kills Elsa but she somehow revives and stabs her in the back. Before she dies, though, Beatrice uses Frederica's crystal to teleport Subaru back to Sanctuary. Upon arrival, Subaru finds it's snowing and that Emilia has gone insane from repeatedly failing the trial. He is then confronted by Garfiel, who demands Emilia stop the snow, but Subaru deduces that this is Roswaal's doing and they confront him. Roswaal proceeds to kill Garfiel and Ram before revealing himself to be in possession of the second Tome of Wisdom and that he knows Subaru been time looping. The Great Rabbit then attacks and kills Roswaal while Subaru survives long enough to reach Emilia and die in her arms after sharing their first kiss.